Stranded Turkish Cargo Ship Damaged by Russian Missile Strike on Ukraine

A Turkish general cargo ship stranded in Ukraine since the start of the war two years ago has become the latest victim of the fighting.

News Yayın: 29 Şubat 2024 - Perşembe - Güncelleme: 29.02.2024 09:27:00
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Okuma Süresi: 2 dk.
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A Turkish general cargo ship stranded in Ukraine since the start of the war two years ago has become the latest victim of the fighting. Turkish media has confirmed that the vessel was damaged in the latest Russian assault on the Kherson region and is expected to sink at its dock.

Russian forces unleashed a barrage of rockets on the region overnight according to the district administrator. He reports that in addition to the cargo ship, 12 high-rise apartment buildings were stuck, 15 private homes, a farm, and a grain elevator. One person was reported to have been killed and two others were injured. Separate drone attacks included nine shot down in the Odesa region and one in the Mykolaiv region.The dry cargo ship Kuruoglu 3, operated by Turkey’s Kuruglu Maritime Company arrived in Kherson on February 22, 2022, with a company official telling Turkish Deniz Media that the vessel was there to unload 2,800 metric tons of urea when it became trapped by the start of the war. Efforts to get the vessel released were unsuccessful as Kherson was not included in the grain deal or the subsequent Ukrainian established corridor.

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