It offers services both at home and abroad

Marinpros Teknik, which started its activities in 2017, offers a wide range of services in the field of repair and maintenance while working with many shipyards both in the country and abroad.

News Yayın: 09 Haziran 2022 - Perşembe - Güncelleme: 09.06.2022 15:37:00
Editör - Türk Marinews
Okuma Süresi: 6 dk.
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Marinpros Teknik, which started its activities in 2017, offers a wide range of services in the field of repair and maintenance while working with many shipyards both in the country and abroad. Buğra Eren Kaydızkurt, the founding partner of the company, graduated from Istanbul Technical University Naval Architecture and Ship Machinery Department in 2010.

Buğra Eren Kaydızkurt, Founding Partner of Marinpros Teknik, which provides maritime services, ship repair, ship crane repair, ship windlass repair, ship docking, and shipyard organization services to the sector, gave information about the products and services offered by his company. Kaydızkurt said, “Our company, which started its activities in Tuzla in January 2017, is a precision equipment repair and manufacturing company that mainly provides precision engineering services and prioritizes scientificity. We mainly serve on the separator, and secondarily on hydraulics and pneumatics. With our wide range of stocks, we serve our customers with 3 units:  A store, repair workshop, and manufacturing workshop.

Turkey is in an advantageous position

Kaydızkurt, evaluating Turkey's competitive position with other countries in terms of its advantageous position and opportunities in the field of ship repair, said, “In our opinion, Turkey is in a leading position in the field of ship repair. In terms of opportunity, we think that it would be appropriate to establish state-supported sanitary and large ship sub-industry sites and to provide unconditional financial and machinery support to SMEs in the maritime sector. Due to its unique location, our country is in a superior place in the field of ship repair. Why not be a leader in spare parts and quality ship equipment as well?”

We use parts of European origin

Noting that it is necessary to fulfill some duties to provide an affordable and quality service, Kaydızkurt said, “Our service quality is at the highest level in terms of both qualified employees and materials used. Although we are a medium-sized company, we have 3 engineers and 2 technicians who are graduates of vocational schools. We attach importance to education and development. With in-service training, we both keep the level of our employees at the highest level and help them to be aware of the developments in the sector. The spare parts we use are spread over a wide-scale according to the customer's demands and budget. We use parts that are original and mainly produced in Europe”.

During the pandemic period, domestic companies got to know us better

Speaking about the changes they experienced in their work and the measures they took during the pandemic period, Kayizkurt said, "While the European market was having difficulty in providing supply services due to long shutdowns during the pandemic process, especially domestic customers got to know us better by getting service from us for spare parts. In this way, they also saw that it was unnecessary to get expensive services from Europe on many issues. I can give an example: The production of a specially designed hydraulic billet in Turkey is one-fifth cheaper, and the delivery date is one-fifth faster, compared to importing it from Europe.

We carefully inspect the work from beginning to end

As in Turkey, Marinpros Teknik carries out its activities with important shipyards abroad, in Greece, Romania, and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Saying that they are not just a repair broker, Kaydızkurt said, “We follow the work from the beginning to the end. We facilitate the work of our customers by accompanying the maintenance with our experienced staff.

Kaydızkurt said, “Our ancestors have a beautiful saying; The wandering wolf does not go hungry. We must explain the superior services of our ship industry on every platform, with our marketers, through various channels. We must provide more economic input to Turkey. Our work continues in this direction”.

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