Esko Marine serves the world from Turkey

Esko Marine is a privately owned company which is under The Maritime House roof having its head office in Istanbul, Turkey.

Sea Trade Yayın: 05 Haziran 2022 - Pazar - Güncelleme: 05.06.2022 16:26:00
Editör - Türk Marinews
Okuma Süresi: 4 dk.
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Esko Marine is a privately owned company which is under The Maritime House roof having its head office in Istanbul, Turkey. The company was set up to serve the needs of the growing Shipping Industry in Turkey as well as all around the world. Having an excellent team of experienced and committed people who have held different positions in the shipping industry for many years, collectively making the perfect team, we take pride in providing our clients the full range of Management and Consulting services that are specifically tailored to each individual company’s needs.

We believe that ‘‘Quality is Never a Coincidence’’ and the idea behind setting up this concept was to provide highest quality services of a wide range to the maritime industry in the World.

Eskomarine provides services and specialised equipment for Ships;

-           The Technical Support ,

-           Armed Guard Security Services ( Indian Ocean & West Africa),

-           Shipyard Representations ( China, Vietnam, Spain, Poland, Malta, Germany, South Africa etc.)

-           Supervision ( Supervisor & Superintendent ) Services

( Site Supervisor, Technical Supervisor, BWTS Supervisor, Steel – Pipe Supervisor, Paint Supervisor )

-           Paint Consultancy Center

-           Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging

-           Underwater Inspection and Diver’s Services

-           Motor Rewinding jobs

-           M/E and Aux Eng Overhauls

-           Supply & Application of Wencon products ( We are exclusive distributor in Turkey for Wencon )

-           Tank Cleaning Jobs

-           Pump Repairs

-           Crankshaft Grinding

-           LSA and FFE servicing including Lifeboat davit and hook

-           Magnetic Compass Adjustments

-           Radio Equipment services  - Annual Surveys – Maintenance – Problem Fixing ( including Gyro compass repairs )

-           Electronic Repairs

-           Internal Audits / Inspections on Behalf of Owners / Managers.

-           Following the Process and Consultancy Services

In terms of Equipment, Eskomarine Represents the following firms, all market leaders in their respective fields;

•           Insatech Bunkering and Fuel Consumption Systems

•           Tecnavi Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Systems

•           CR Ocean Engineering Marine Exhaust Gas Scrubbers

•           Cliin Cargo Hold Cleaning Robot

•           Norsepower Auxiliary Wind Propulsion Systems

•           Aco Marine  Wastewater System Management Solutions

•           Robosurvey Indoor Inspection Drone

In addition, the second largest and highest quality first flag of the world, the Liberian Registry's fully authorized Istanbul office in Turkey is also under the roof of The Maritime House.

Eskomarine is always ready to be your solution partner and to provide solutions to your requests regarding the maritime sector with the fastest and most reliable products and services.

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