We provide solutions to our customers with a 360-degree approach

Speaking about the services provided by FG Maritime with his business partner with 20 years of experience in the sector, Gökhan Demirçiler said that as a young and dynamic company, they offer quality and affordable prices together.

News Yayın: 08 Haziran 2024 - Cumartesi - Güncelleme: 08.06.2024 15:33:00
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Okuma Süresi: 8 dk.
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Gökhan Demirçiler, Managing Partner of FG Maritime, who graduated from the Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering at Yıldız Technical University, one of the most important universities in Türkiye, is a young seafarer who has been serving the industry in various fields for 20 years after school. Demirçiler said that he started his career as a project engineer at Gemak Shipyard and added, "After working as a project manager, I switched to DNV, an IACS organization, as a surveyor. In my 15 years of DNV history, I worked as a principal surveyor/auditor and deputy team leader in the Istanbul office. In addition to conducting surveys and audits on many different types of ships, I carried out management systems audits in ship management companies of different scales. In addition, I also took part in customer technical support, rule development and training. After a successful corporate working life with a different experience every day, I established FG Maritime with my partner, who is also a former DNV employee, at the beginning of 2022 and I continue my career with my colleagues in my team."

"We evaluate the needs in every aspect"

"We established FG Maritime with 20 years of experience," Demirçiler said and continued as follows: "While establishing the company, we aimed to be a company that understands the needs of shipowners or operating companies in every aspect, evaluates the issues encountered in the services it provides from a broad perspective and produces solutions accordingly. Especially in shipboard inspection/survey and audits, we have adopted the principle of providing services to our customers in this direction by considering the requests and expectations of other stakeholders (oil major, flag state, PSC, class, charterer) instead of just adhering to the relevant rule and performing an audit or survey. In fact, there are many valuable companies in the sector that provide similar inspection and survey services. What makes us different is that our familiarity with different flag requirements, survey regimes, class rules and various industrial standards, which we have focused on for many years, allows us to provide support to the shipowner company from all aspects while producing solutions on the ship or evaluating the issue during a survey/inspection or audit. From the simplest inspection to the most complicated management systems audits, we can say that the fact that we are able to evaluate the subject from every aspect with our experience in classification societies and shipyards as well as ship management in the past is one of the only features that make us different. In addition, with our strong ties and relationships with our customers on both national and international platforms from the past to the present, we have a structure where they can reach us 24/7 and get support, and our fast feedback is also valuable for our customers."

Services: Shipboard inspection, survey, audits

peaking about the services they offer to the sector, Demirçiler said, "We can list the subjects we provide services under 3 main headings. Shipboard inspection/survey/audits, marine consultancy and trainings. If we combine these topics that we specialize in an example, for instance, we can provide consultancy services on the integration of a new rule into company procedures and processes, and we can make the necessary SMS arrangements. Subsequently, we provide trainings to both the ship personnel and the office staff in the company on the subject, and then we can audit the application of the rule on the ship and present a report to the shipowner in all aspects. In addition, we conduct pre-PSC inspections on the ships of many domestic and foreign companies and prepare the ship for possible PSC controls. While conducting pre-purchase inspections on behalf of shipowners who want to buy new ships, we not only look at the hull-mechanical condition of the ship, but also highlight the rules that the ship is and will be subject to, we can go down to the finest details of trading certificates, class records and present very comprehensive reports to the shipowners. In addition to our consultancy and onboard inspection/survey/audit services, we provide trainings both in Turkey and abroad to stakeholders in the sector on subjects such as incident investigation and root cause analysis, Maritime risk Management, internal auditing, ISO 9001/14001/45001, understanding SOLAS & MARPOL, Maritime Rules and Regulations, Understanding ISM/ISPS/MLC."


Experienced and expert staff

Speaking about their staff as a company providing services in a field that requires expertise, Demirçiler said, "It is not easy to be a standard consultancy and inspection company and to handle the subject by thinking almost 360 degrees. However, with FG Maritime's expert staff, carrying out both onboard and consultancy services in this context is one of the features that make us different. In this context, regardless of the consultancy, survey/audit or training service requested by the shipowner, we come together with our team and carefully examine every detail of the request and design our processes accordingly. The 360-degree approach I mentioned is only possible with an expert team, and I can say that our team at FG Maritime, both permanent and project-based, has more than enough experience and as an indicator of this, the positive feedback from our customers in the projects we have completed so far is our greatest source of happiness and pride."

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