Why do you appoint a surveyor?

Surveyor appointments are made by ship owners, disponent owners, ship operators or charterers, at different situations and at ports of loading or discharging.

Safety Yayın: 03 Haziran 2022 - Cuma - Güncelleme: 03.06.2022 15:42:00
Editör - Türk Marinews
Okuma Süresi: 8 dk.
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Surveyor appointments are made by ship owners, disponent owners, ship operators or charterers, at different situations and at ports of loading or discharging. Let’s think about does these surveyors always provide the desired benefit or what features should they have to provide. It goes without saying that it is the most important requirement for the surveyor to have the competence, knowledge, and experience to perform the job but here’s some basic in addition to mentioning qualifications, I would like to mention a few important details.

Is the surveyor you appointed reliable and in what ways is trust important?

The Surveyor shouldn’t accept the same job-related tasks on behalf of another party associated with that cargo or vessel, except for the parties in which it is assigned. In fact, even if the surveyor wasn’t assigned by them on that ship, if there is a relationship that will affect it with any of the other parties, it must clearly notify the party wishing to appoint it in advance. When you appoint the surveyor, you must be sure the surveyor doing everything possible to ensure timely flow of information with supporting evidence like document, photo, video, etc. anything that could happen against you on that ship with an objective approach, to protect your rights. The team of surveyor company with required hardware and competency needs to be in the field and in the office to make this correctly and on time. “Can you be sure that the surveyors of the company you really assigned are in the field on duty?” Or, do they commission tallyman companies in the field by paying a much less than the price they took from you? Yes, unfortunately, many of the well-known companies are currently work this way. This is evaluated both a reduction in service quality and in a way, labor exploitation. The parties who care about these issues should choose the companies who work with their own staff and the companies that perform the business, they must interrogate this issue. CIS Karkont Inspection Services serve as localized with his permanent surveyors all ports across Turkey especially Izmir, Kocaeli, Istanbul, Tekirdag, Samsun, Antalya, Gulluk, Mersin and Iskenderun.

Can You Get Timely Regular Information Flow and Reporting?

The surveyor company must have field operation and office structure that be able to transmit the right information on time to the party who appointed the surveyor. And the surveyor company should be able to do this systematically. Sufficient preliminary information transmitted from the field before full reporting especially in spot works is very valuable. For long lasting jobs, continuous and timely flow of daily reports in a certain standard, in accordance with is an important factor affecting the quality of service. In certain cases, especially at loading ports, there may be a constantly encountered problem related to the operation, port, cargo, or shipper. This topic does not appear as a criterion when appointing a surveyor, however surveyors who know these matters may provide some very valuable preliminary information by means of their experience to avoid many possible problems to the party who’s assigned them. Here again appears the importance that the assignment of local surveyors.

Are the surveyors knowledgeable in the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), do they have training certificates?

The surveyors who will be on board must have received OHS training, but it is not enough solely. OHS training must be renewed according to the relevant procedures. The company must regularly send its surveyors to these trainings and document it. In addition, before the survey is started on the ship, the potential risks must be assessed quickly, depending on the scope of the survey, making sure that the surveyors are equipped with appropriate safety equipment. An important accident that could happen to the surveyor during working on board, could also be a problem that would cause a headache to the ship side as well. Therefore, when choosing a surveyor company, it is recommended that to query the qualifications and experience of the staff as well as which in-service OHS training is being given. This should become one of the criteria applied when appointing a surveyor. In CIS Karkont, the staff structure consists of experienced and long-term employees. As for the new ones, do not have any assignments on the ship until all health check and OHS training process is completed. Even after completing these terms, they do not be sent to the field alone on their a number of initial assignments, but they must go with experienced surveyors and take on the job training.

Does the surveyor company have a valid professional liability insurance?

As with all areas, the service provider should have a professional liability insurance in the marine survey area, which is assuring to the customer. Of course, when it comes to insurance, the most important issue is the coverage and limit of liability. The professional liability insurance policy owned by the surveyor company must cover all the service areas provided. The surveyor company should have an insurance policy that includes general topics such as "marine consultancy, marine survey, cargo and commodity survey" as a scope. Providing cargo inspection and marine survey service CIS Karkont holds a comprehensive and high limit professional liability insurance policy and provides the highest quality service to its customers with this assurance.

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